Tuesday, April 28, 2009

NHS e-resources hub launch 30th April 2009

The following information concerns NHS Evidence which is due to go live on the 30th April. NHS resources are available via the HYMS VLE > HYMS Library tab >Databases & EBM resources > Further resources via the NHS.

National Library for Health:
After ten years, the National Library for Health (NLH) has become part of NHS Evidence and most of the permanent staff have transferred to NICE. The NLH has made some fantastic developments over the years and NHS Evidence will be ensuring that most of the functionality will continue, while the core services, such as specialist libraries, will enhance and develop as we go forward in this new and exciting time.

After 30 April when NHS Evidence goes live, the majority of the NLH website functions will continue as you currently know them – however the website will be rebranded in both colour (blue) and in name – NHS Evidence information resources. The NLH URL will still reroute you to the site for the time being and also be able to be redirected from the NHS Evidence portal to the information resources website.

While the site will look different you should not see any marked reduction in available resources, information or functionality.

Specialist libraries:
Most of you will be familiar with the specialist libraries. Nothing should change in your access to the information and functionality that you previously used. You will, however, notice some changes. To embrace the future of NHS Evidence and to ensure that the diverse user base is acknowledged by the libraries, the specialist libraries decided to change their name. From the 30 April the group will become known as the specialist collections with each individual collection being renamed as NHS Evidence – [specialty].

As part of looking forward the specialist collections will be undertaking a review This review will be working closely with the existing specialist libraries desk officers and both the librarian and clinical leads. . It will be looking at the direction, names, cohesion and focus of the collections. It is due to be completed around September 2009

Content suppliers:
As well as producing information the NLH provided access to other sources of information such as the BNF and Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS). By using NHS Evidence you will still be able to access this information. NHS Evidence is identifying other potential sources of information but it will take time to identify, source and agree with the sources that their information is available.

The c.250,000 NHS Athens users will still be able to use the advance search function after NHS Evidence goes live. You will still be able to use the Athens network, using your same log in and passwords and getting access to the same information.

Advanced search:
There has been some concern about the future use of the advanced search system currently held by the NLH – Search 2. While NHS Evidence is using a new comprehensive search engine – Microsoft Fast, you will still be able to use the Search 2 engine for health care databases advanced search (HDAS)
There will be a review of HDAS via Search 2 during 2009/10 and comments are welcome from you.


As you probably know we are currently undertaking a public consultation on the first accreditation scheme for evidence and information starting with for guidance producers.

The accreditation scheme will accredit sources of information and not the information itself. It will be easy for sources to apply using an online application form. The robustness is in our analysis of their application. Using technical analysts and peer review we will guide and support applicants through the process.

Once accredited, the source will be able to use an accreditation marque for three years. By using the marque sources will know that their information will be prioritised in searches.


We hope that this e-mail goes some way to updating you on what is happening. We are really looking forward to the 30 April when NHS Evidence goes live. NHS Evidence is a milestone in ensuring all practitioners across health and social care can access and have confidence in robust, solid and strategic evidence
to ultimately drive up quality and standards in patient care and treatment.

[Information from External Engagement Associate Director, NHS Evidence.]

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Brynmor Jones Library opening hours

The Library will be open on bank holiday Monday 25th May 2009. As this is during the exam period the building will be open 9am-2am and services will be available 9am-10pm. The Library will be closed on the first bank holiday in May (4th).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Relocation of the IT helpdesk at Hull

As you may already be aware, the IT Helpdesk is on the move.

From the 14th of April a new ‘Service Desk’, providing both IT and Library support, will be available on the ground floor of the Brynmor Jones Library. The old IT Helpdesk within Computing Services will no longer be available.

The Service Desk within the Brynmor Jones Library will be available during the following times:

Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 22:00
Friday 08:30 – 21:00
Saturday 09:00 – 20:00
Sunday 13:00 – 21:00

Please note that the contact details for the Service Desk will also be changing to the following:

Telephone: 01482 46 2010

If you require more information on the move, or the Service Desk operation in general, please contact the team using the information above.