Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Shiny new reading list system

Over the summer we've moved all of the HYMS reading lists over to new reading list software. It's new, it's shiny and we think it's a big improvement. You can access your reading list via your course area on the HYMS VLE.

If you'd like a sneak preview of what it looks like see our brief guide. There's information and advice for staff too here

We'll be asking for feedback later on how you're finding it. In the meantime, enjoy!

Buying books? Check the Waterstones student card

Whilst we'd always recommend that you check out the libraries first (of course..) those nice people in Hull Waterstones have alerted us to their new Student Loyalty card/app which can be used in any Waterstones. (Note to York people, there's a Waterstones on Coney Street).
Students get 5% off all purchases as well as an electronic stamp for every £10 spent. 

10 Stamps = £10 off. Not bad.

(See the bottom of our New Students page for some common sense things to think about too before deciding what to buy.)