Thursday, January 20, 2011

What journals do HYMS students and staff need? HYMS Journal Review

To ensure that we are aware of the needs of the Medical School, HYMS Library Committee would be grateful if you could take 15 minutes to ensure that we are aware of the titles needed for your teaching and research. This will help us make informed subscription decisions within our own budget and in relation to those of the two universities.

The survey is available at We would ask that you scan through the listed titles and respond where you have a specific recommendation either:

  • because of the title's importance
  • or, because you feel that the title has very little to contribute.

Please give as much supporting information as possible.

There is also the opportunity to:

  • identify titles no longer needed
  • and titles not held which you believe HYMS should prioritise if funds are available.

Both university libraries have been affected by the current economic situation; the University of York Library has recently undergone a review exercise resulting in the cut of 292 journal titles. This type of wider university decision has implications for HYMS if relevant titles subscribed to by other departments are cancelled. Therefore we need as full a picture of academic staff needs as possible.

The Consultation is available until 18th February 2011. There are 207 titles listed, available via one or other of the university libraries and previously identified as priorities by HYMS staff.

It should be noted that these journals are NOT all paid for by HYMS and may be available at only one university.

If you have any queries regarding the Consultation please contact