Wednesday, March 4, 2015

World Book Day - Thursday 5th March

Thursday 5th March is World Book Day, and both University Libraries will be celebrating the event.
There's a World Book Day book swap in the Morrell Library foyer, University of York, from 12-2pm, if you've any books you want to exchange for something more to your liking!
Hull Uni Library will be taking to its various social media outlets to ask you about your favourite book. Follow the social media links at the Brynmor Jones Library homepage.
The University of York are also running a literary quiz with a chance to win the last five Man Booker Prize winning novels! More information can be found on the York World Book Day 2015  news item.
Throughout the day, both @HullUni_Library and @UoYLibrary will be providing Twitter with bookish updates, and we'll be getting involved too on our own Twitter account: @HYMSLibrary