Thursday, December 17, 2015

A new look to our website for the New Year

So this is Christmas, and what have we done? Well we've had the elves in to tidy up the HYMS Library website. The result is, we hope, a bit less heavy and a lot easier to find your way around.
We've reduced everything to a few main tabs:
Welcome - with links to these blog posts, and to our twitter feeds, plus more-prominent links out to the key resources you're likely to need for your searching.
Finding Resources - we've pulled together our Find Books, Find Articles and Find Journals pages into a single place, with resources grouped by type. We've tried to pretty it up a bit and make things a little clearer in the process.
Information Skills - all of our workbooks, slides, and interactive tutorials are pulled together into one page, along with links to research and referencing support at the two Universities.
We've also been working to make the site work better on mobile devices.
We've tried to make sure that we've not lost anything important in the course of the redesign, so if you're struggling to find something, do let us know. Likewise, if you have any feedback, we'd love to hear about it at