Tuesday, May 8, 2018

New study workshops now available - and suggestions sought

A list of workshops available as part of York's Digital Wednesdays sessions are now available at 
  • Collaborative digital tools
  • Poster presentation skills
  • Using Word

Hull are interested in feedback as to what workshop and webinar sessions students would like them to run this term (and in general). If you've any requests or suggestions re sessions and timing let us know at library@hyms.ac.uk and we'll pass it on, or contacts the Hull Skills Team directly at skills@hull.ac.uk. (You can get an idea of what they normally offer at http://libguides.hull.ac.uk/UGworkshops/index.) If you've thoughts about what and when you'd like to see at the York end too let us know and we'll share with colleagues there as well.

The above links to the training and webinars available from both university libraries are available at http://libguides.hull.ac.uk/medicine/skills > Training sessions and webinars.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

How to share articles with colleagues (legally)

A consortium of scholarly publishers has created How can I share it?, aiming "to guide authors to share quickly and easily while following best practices and copyright rules". It is not perfect but anyone interested in sharing papers (their own or other people's), with colleagues in different organisations should find the site well worth bookmarking.

CC license image: https://flic.kr/p/21BtxLy