Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Even more new ebooks!

Further to our recent post about all the ebooks we've been ordering, more have now arrived via York:

Paul Bass ... [et al.]. General and systematic pathology : a core text with self-assessment. 2008.

Mitchell, Barry S. Histology. 2009.

Monkhouse, Stanley. Clinical anatomy : a core text with self assessment. 2007.

To access the full text of these of these ebooks and more use our ebook cross-search facility on our HYMS Library webpages at http://libguides.hull.ac.uk/content.php?pid=206456&sid=1721998.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Access to Primal Pictures Anatomy TV via NHS Athens service available again

Access to Primal Pictures Anatomy TV via the NHS Athens service has been reestablished, thanks to the regional  Athens administrator.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New eBooks: Rook, Mitchell, Bass, Monkhouse, ABCs and more!

We've been ordering more eBooks. Here's a brief summary of what this academic year:

AuthorTitlePublisherPublication dateeBooks viaStatus
Bass, Paul General and Systematic PathologyElsevier2008Yorkon order - coming soon!
Boden,  R,  Epstein,D and Kenway, JBuilding Your Academic CareerSage Publications2007Hullarrived
Burns, TonyRook's textbook of DermatologyWiley-Blackwell2010Yorkarrived
Bynum, WilliamHistory of MedicineOxford University Press2008Yorkarrived
Campbell,A and Norton, LinLearning, Teaching and Assessing In Higher EducationLearning Matters Ltd.2007Hullarrived
Clarke, AABC of spinal disorders 2010Yorkarrived
Day, David WMorson and Dawson's Gastrointestinal PathologyBlackwell Science2003Hullarrived
Dolan, Erin L.Education Outreach and Public EngagementSpringer2008Hullarrived
Gawkrodger, David J. Dermatology : an illustrated colour textChurchill Livingstone2007Hullarrived
Ghosh, BClinical audit for doctors 2009Yorkarrived
Holt, TABC of diabetes 2010Yorkarrived
HoughtonMaking sense of echocardiography: a hands on guide 2009Yorkarrived
King, LABC of imaging in trauma 2010Yorkarrived
Mattu, AEmergency medicine: avoiding the pitfalls and……. 2007Yorkarrived
Milledge, James SHigh Altitude Medicine and PhysiologyHodder Arnold2007Hullarrived
Mitchell, Barry S.HistologyChurchill Livingstone/Elsevier2009Yorkon order - coming soon!
Monkhouse, Stanley Clinical AnatomyChurchill Livingstone2007Yorkon order - coming soon!
NutbeamABC of practical procedures 2010Yorkarrived
Rees, JABC of asthma 2010Yorkarrived
Rogers, A and  Pilgrim DSociology of Mental Health and IllnessOpen University Press2010Yorkarrived
Spandorfer, John PROFESSIONALISM IN MEDICINECambridge University Press2009Yorkarrived
Valman, BABC of one to seven 2010Yorkarrived

You can access these eBooks using our eBook cross-search facility on our HYMS Library webpages at http://libguides.hull.ac.uk/content.php?pid=206456&sid=1721998

Monday, January 23, 2012

Don’t get cross searching – use our cross-searching tool!

Looking for electronic journals and electronic books across the two University libraries? Save yourself some time and use our new HYMS Library cross-searching tool which searches for either ebooks or ejournals held at both University libraries without you having to search the separate catalogues.

The cross-searchers are available on our HYMS Library webpages, on either the ‘Find Books’ tab or on the ‘Find Journals by Title’ tab.
Please let us know what you think of this service by sending any feedback or comments to library@hyms.ac.uk.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Scarborough catalogue - going online!

Staff of the York & Scarborough Library Service are currently busy inputting Scarborough Library resources onto the previously York Teaching Hospital Library only online catalogue . Currently searching the 'Scarborough Library' option will retrieve no results but using the 'York and Scarborough Hospital Libraries' option will.

A reminder too that Scarborough Library is currently staffed between 10:00-15:00 Monday to Friday. The Libary is open, however, from 09:00-17:00.

Wikipedia down today

Online encyclopaedia Wikipedia has blacked out the pages of its English-language website for 24 hours today in protest at draft anti-online piracy legislation before the US congress. Read more by clicking on the link above.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

UoY: Fairhurst Research Study and Lounge – new access arrangements

From Monday 16th January 2012 the Research Study and Lounge located on the top floor of the Harry Fairhurst Building will have new access controls tied to University cards and all previously issued key cards will no longer work. Students who currently hold a key to the Research Lounge will need to visit the Help desk in the JB Morrell Library to hand back their old card and have the appropriate access added to their University Card.

The Research Study and Lounge offers a mix of study space for use by research postgraduates. The area includes relaxed seating and more formal study desks complete with Wifi and power points for charging laptops. Lockers are also available in this area. To gain access the Research Lounge or to borrow a locker please enquire at the Help desk in the JB Morrell Library.

Monday, January 9, 2012

University of York: money off medical revision titles at Blackwell's

Please see the following information about a promotional offer on medical revision titles at Blackwell's Bookshop:

At Blackwell's, we are currently running a promotion on Medical Revision titles. We have money off on several titles including things like How to Succeed at Medical School and Getting that Medical Job. We also have a new series of revision books called the 'Flesh and Bones' which includes books on anatomy and surgery. We also have a few 'Made Incredibly Easy' titles which include mental health nursing and anatomy and physiology. We also have some general study guide books specifically for medical and health sciences students.