Friday, October 16, 2015

BMJ Best Practice app

BMJ Best Practice (available via your University of Hull login) is a decision-support tool designed for use at the point of care. There's fully referenced information on thousands of diagnoses and diagnostic tests, links to drug formularies, over 4,000 treatment guidelines, and hundreds of plain-language patient information leaflets. See our previous post on BMJ Best Practice for more information on getting set up with it.

There's also a BMJ Best Practice app which you can download and use. It's a bit tricky to set up, so here are a few instructions we've pulled together:
  1. Download the app, but don't log in yet
  2. Open the web-browser on your device and go to
  3. From the Sign In menu, go to the Shibboleth users go here option
  4. Choose UK Access Management Federation for Education and Research (UK)
  5. Select University of Hull (Shibboleth) and enter your Hull login details if prompted
  6. Once signed in, "Subscription provided by University of Hull" should appear at the top of the homepage (web view) or the bottom of the homepage (mobile view)
  7. Click the My BMJ Best Practice button and create an account or log in
  8. Once logged in, via this method, open the app and enter your BMJ login details (leave the institutional number field blank)
  9. Once at the subscriptions page, a message should appear saying that you have institutional access via Hull (this message may take a few moments to come up)
You should then have access via the app to all the content you can get online through our subscription.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Developing Researcher Skills at York

The University of York Library's Research Support Team deliver workshops on Managing Your Research Data, Searching the Literature and Know your (Copy)Rights this term.

Managing Your Research Data

This workshop is an introduction to research data management, covering best practice for the successful organisation, storage, documentation and archiving/sharing of research data. The workshops include opportunities for participants to start to plan and record their data management and to start a data management action checklist.

This term's workshops will be held on:
  • Monday 19 Oct, 09:30 - 12:00
  • Monday 16 Nov, 10:00 - 12:30
To find out more and to register for a place, please visit the Researcher Development web page for Research Students or Research Staff

Searching the Literature
This workshop is designed to help PhD students and research staff to search for scholarly literature. It is particularly relevant to PhD students working on their literature review but the skills covered can be applied in a range of contexts. The workshops include opportunities for practical work using attendees own topics.

Forthcoming sessions will be held on:

  • Tuesday 3 Nov, 10:00 - 12:00
  • Tuesday 10 Nov, 10:00 - 12:00
  • Wednesday 25 Nov, 10:00 - 12:00
  • Tuesday 8 Dec, 10:00 - 12:00
To find out more and to register for a place, please visit the Researcher Development web page for Research Students or Research Staff.

Know your (Copy)Rights: protecting your own work and re-using other people’s
This workshop is aimed at PhD students and research staff from any discipline who are preparing material for a thesis or scholarly publication. Participants in this session will explore the legal terms and licences which permit the re-use of third party materials, consider strategies for requesting additional permissions and review the licences available for releasing their own material.
This term's workshop will be held on:
  • Monday 30 Nov, 13:30 - 15:30
To find out more and to register for a place, please visit the Researcher Development web page for Research Students or Research Staff.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Postgraduates: are you ready to learn some new skills?

Postgraduate study is a step up from undergraduate study and requires more in depth skills. The Universities of York and Hull provide a suite of workshops and courses designed to help taught and research postgraduates develop skills that will help them meet the challenges of research at this level.

University of York:
Bookable training courses at
We particularly recommend Searching the Literature which is RDT201421 on skillsforge for research students, and RD0173 on the LMS for research staff.

University of Hull:
Bookable skills workshops at
Enhanced Information and Research Skills Module at
A Research Data Management module will also be running from early November.