Thursday, December 17, 2015

A new look to our website for the New Year

So this is Christmas, and what have we done? Well we've had the elves in to tidy up the HYMS Library website. The result is, we hope, a bit less heavy and a lot easier to find your way around.
We've reduced everything to a few main tabs:
Welcome - with links to these blog posts, and to our twitter feeds, plus more-prominent links out to the key resources you're likely to need for your searching.
Finding Resources - we've pulled together our Find Books, Find Articles and Find Journals pages into a single place, with resources grouped by type. We've tried to pretty it up a bit and make things a little clearer in the process.
Information Skills - all of our workbooks, slides, and interactive tutorials are pulled together into one page, along with links to research and referencing support at the two Universities.
We've also been working to make the site work better on mobile devices.
We've tried to make sure that we've not lost anything important in the course of the redesign, so if you're struggling to find something, do let us know. Likewise, if you have any feedback, we'd love to hear about it at

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Christmas is coming...

...and with that comes Christmas Opening Hours:


The Brynmor Jones Library closes at 12:30pm on Christmas Eve and will re-open at 8:30am on 4th January.


The University Library will be closed from 4pm on Christmas Eve to 8am on Sunday 27th December, and from 4pm on New Year's Eve to 8am on Saturday 2nd January. Remember that from Christmas Eve onwards you'll need your University card to get in.

All loaned items from York are subject to recall throughout the Christmas vacation, but you'll have a whole week to get them back. Nothing will be due back between 21st December and 3rd January inclusive. More information about York's loans and hours can be found on their website.
Online Materials & SCONUL access:
It's worth remembering that most of the books we buy for HYMS are available electronically, so you should be able to access them wherever you are this Christmas. The same goes for our other e-resources. If you prefer something physical, you're in the UK or Ireland, and there's another university library nearby, you can always sign up to the SCONUL Access scheme which can get you in to a large number of university libraries across the country. More details are available from the links below:

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Changes at the University of York Library & IT Support over Christmas

Don't forget your University card if you're visiting the
University of York Library any time from Christmas Eve

This Christmas, the University of York Library will be getting some new toys...

Turnstiles in operation at York from 9am on Christmas Eve

The Brynmor Jones Library at Hull already needs you to use your University card to get in and out of the building - it's a handy way to track how the library is being used throughout the day. At York a similar system has been in operation during night-time hours, and from 9am on 24th December, the University of York will be switching the turnstiles on full time in the Morrell Library. This means that from then on, whenever you visit the Library you’ll need to use your University card to operate the turnstiles. If you forget your card, or you’re not a member of the University, staff at the Reception will help you access the Library.
There's more information about the new turnstiles policy at York, and why it's being introduced, at the University of York website.
New IT Support model at York from 4th January
From the start of term, IT Support at the University of York will be moving to the Library Help Desk in Morrell. This will mean the service can be open for longer hours: 9am-7pm on weekdays, and 10am-6pm at the weekend. There will also be appointment bookings for more complex IT enquiries.
More information about the new Library & IT Help Desk is at the University of York website.