Monday, July 30, 2012

Brynmor Jones Library Renewal Project Update 30 July 2012

Brynmor Jones Library have issued the information below, regarding access to closed run journals during the renewal project.

What’s going on?
Back runs of journals for which we no longer have a current print subscription (“closed run journals”) will shortly be moved out of the Brynmor Jones Library into secure storage elsewhere on campus for the duration of the building redevelopment.
The journal titles will continue to appear on the Library catalogue with the location “via document supply”. These print volumes will not be accessible whilst in secure storage. To ensure continued access to this information, staff and students may request articles from the closed run journals via the document supply service at no charge to the individual or department.
Articles are usually available digitally within 24hours using document supply.

When is it happening?

Mid to late August 2012.

Who’s affected?
All staff and students, external visitors using BJL material.

What do you need to do?

· Contact Document Supply to request articles from closed run journals.
· Contact if you have queries.

Key Contacts

Document Supply Email:

Tel: (01482) 465437


Thursday, July 26, 2012

UoY Library: Lending limit changes for taught PGs

The Library is increasing the lending limit for taught postgraduates from 30 items at any one time to 50 after discussion with the GSA on the issue of opening hours over the summer holidays. This is a permanent change that comes into effect immediately. Research postgraduates have always had a lending limit of 50 items.

If you have any queries about this change, please contact Jackie Knowles, Customer Services Manager, on, or contact

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oodles of new books at the NHS libraries!

Loads of new books have been purchased at the NHS site libraries at Scarborough, York, Hull, Grimsby and Scunthorpe using additional funds from HYMS.

Additional funds have been concentrated on buying ebooks, where available, but in order to ensure that students at different sites can benefit we have given money to our NHS partners to purchase Phase II/III titles which are not available in ebook form.

Information about the hospital libraries, including catalogues, is available on the Membership tab on our HYMS Library webpages.

The list of books purchased across the NHS sites includes the following:

Author                      Title                                                                  

Baguley & Graham                Ballantyne's deafness

Barker, R                              Neuroanatomy and neuroscience at a glance

Bath, J                                  EMQs and MCQs for medical finals

Beers                                    Merck manual of geriatrics

Ben-Shlomo, Y                      Lecture notes: epidemiology, evidence based medicine and public health

Betts                                    Cardiology

Bird                                      OSCE Training Manual

Blundell, A                            OSCES at a glance

Burton, N                              Clinical skills for OSCES

Chowdhury, R                        Radiology at a glance

Clatworthy                             Nephrology

Colledge                                Davidson's principles and practice of medicine

Cruikshank                            Obstetrics

Dandy, D                               Essential orthopaedics and trauma

Dasgupta, P                           ABC of prostate cancer

Davey, P                                Medicine at a glance: core cases

Davies, A                               The respiratory system

Dawson,                                ABC of urology

Dent, J                                   A practical guide for medical teachers

Dowson                                 Migraine and other headaches

Fillit et al                                Brocklehurst's textbook of geriatric medicine

Goebel                                   The management of the dizzy patient

Graham                                  Ballantyne's deafness

Graham et al                          Child psychiatry: developmental approach

Graham-Brown                       Lecture notes on dermatology

Heffner, L                               The reproductive system at a glance
Henry                                    Clinical Surgery

Hinson, J                                The endocrine system

Hunt, I                                   ABC of pleural diseases

Jafek                                      ENT Secrets

Johnstone et al                        Companion to psychiatric studies

Kanski                                   Clinical Ophthalmology: a synopsis

Keshav                                  Gastroenterology

Khaw                                    ABC of eyes

Lissauer, T                             Illustrated textbook of paediatrics

MacLeod                               Neurology

McKenzie                              Infectious Disease

Michael-Titus, A                    The nervous system

Morris-Jones, R                    100 cases in dermatology

Moulton, C                            Lecture notes: emergency medicine

Nash                                     Hepatology

Nicholl, C                              Lecture notes: elderly care medicine

Noble, A                               The cardiovascular system

Norwitz, E                             Obstetrics and Gynaecology at a glance

Nutbeam, T                           ABC of prehospital emergency medicine

Olesen                                   The Headaches

Patel, K                                 Complete self assessment for medical and surgical finals

Patel, K                                 Complete OSCE skills for medical and surgical finals

Patel, K                                 Complete revision notes for medical and surgical finals

Petrie, A                                Medical statistics at a glance

Puri                                       Textbook of Psychiatry

Rang, H.P et al                      Pharmacology

Ropper                                  Adams and Victor's principles of neurology

Roseveare                             Acute Medicine

Rowland                                Merrit's neurology

Rudolf                                   Pediatrics and Child Health

Shaw                                     Radiology 

Smith, M                                The digestive system

Snashall, D                             ABC of occupational and environmental medicine

Stahl, S                                  Stahl's essential psychopharmacology

Stevens and Rodin                  Psychiatry: an illustrated colour text

Tortora, G                              Principles of anatomy and physiology

Ward                                      The respiratory system at a glance

Westbrook, C                         MRI at a glance

Wilson                                    Practical ophthalmology: a manual for beginning residents

Wright, B                               100 cases in psychiatry

Yanoff                                    Ophthalmology

Young, A                                ABC of colorectal cancer

Youngs                                   ENT Focus

Friday, July 20, 2012

Brynmor Jones Library redevelopment update 20 July 2012

From 23 July 2012, the following activities will take place in Brynmor Jones Library at the University of Hull as part of the redevelopment of the building:

  • 2nd floor East to close as work starts on the South wing (the old Education Centre) - stock has been moved to the 7th Floor;
  • Remainder of South wing to be emptied and closed;
  • Relocation of PCs from these areas, including all computers and scanners from Miriam Hebron Centre and exhibition area, to new cluster in social learning zone (1st floor tower);
  • This new cluster, including disabled access PCs, will mean the same IT provision is provided throughout the redevelopment;
  • Rare books and other valuable items will move to Hull History Centre, where they will remain during the redevelopment. Anyone wishing to consult these items can make an appointment; information on how to do this can be found on the HHC website at;
  • Other closed collections normally kept in the basement will be stored securely elsewhere on campus. The library catalogue location will appear as ‘ask at helpdesk’. A daily retrieval service will be available.

If you want to access the closed collections that have been moved out of the library, go to the Library Help Desk.
Contact Hull History Centre directly to access the rare books.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New ejournal Anatomical Sciences Education available

Access is now available to the ejournal Anatomical Sciences Education (online) via the University of Hull. To access, you will need a University of Hull Athens username and password.  The journal can be accessed at

If you have any difficulty with accessing electronic resources, try

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Improvements to HYMS Library webpages - advance notice

Over the next few weeks we will be working on our HYMS Library webpages, so you may notice things moving about and changes taking place. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, but hopefully the webpages should be even better as a result!

Monday, July 2, 2012

J B Morrell Library: external book drop box re-opened

Over the summer the J B Morrell Library's external book drop box will be open once again.

Until 24/7 opening hours resume in September, the external book drop box will be open again. If you need to return books when the Library is closed please use this facility. The drop box is located at the front of the Library along the walkway towards Alcuin, where the old entrance used to be. The drop is set into the wall in the square paved area where you can see into the Key Texts room. For details about summer vacation opening hours and borrowing please see earlier posts on this blog or click here.

UoH Library renewal - MEDICAL BOOK MOVES

As part of the major redevelopment of the Brynmor Jones Library the first phase of stock movement is taking place. As of Monday 2 July, medical and nursing books are moving from their current home on 2nd Floor East to the 7th floor

These stock movements are to clear the 2nd Floor East ready for the start of works later this month, which will mean that section – including PCs – will soon be out of bounds.

UoY Library summer vacation opening hours

From Monday 2nd July the successful 24/7 opening of the J B Morrell Library will end for the summer vacation. 24/7 opening will resume on Monday 3rd September, from which point the Library will be open 24/7 all year round, except for 25th - 26th December and 1st January 2013.
Summer vacation opening hours are as follows:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm (except Tuesdays: 9am - 9pm)
Saturday: 10am - 6pm
Sunday: Closed

You can check the J B Morrell Library's opening hours here: