Friday, January 29, 2016

Never Mind the Weather Look at the Environment [Complete]

As storm Gertrude makes her presence felt in the UK why not batten down the hatches and take a look at our free trial of Environment Complete? This gives access to the full-text of over 1,400 journals and monographs and includes over 3.5 million records from indexed publications, beginning as far back as 1888.

Subject coverage includes all the usual suspects in environmental science. There’s also a cool half million articles related to medicine on there too!

If you like what you see then send us an email and let us know you would like this adding to our online resources. Happy searching and have a great weekend!

Photo Credit: Scott Butner via Compfight cc

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Library System Upgrade

The Brynmoor Jones library at Hull are getting their techy screwdrivers out to  upgrade the library management system today, starting at 4pm and ending at 10pm. During the period of the upgrade, students and staff should borrow books via one of the Library help points. 

Library accounts will be inaccessible during this time, so make sure that you have renewed your books that are due back today before 4pm, and any other essential library account activities.
The Library Catalogue will continue to be available.
The move to the new system, called Sierra, will mean a more joined up relationship with other campus systems and ultimately lead to a better experience for staff and students; so it’s a short bit of pain for some long term gain.

Photo credit: Ryan McGuire, Gratisography

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

York based PhD Training

If you are studying a PhD at York and feel like you need to know more about managing your research data and best practice for the successful organisation, storage, documentation and archiving / sharing of research data then get yourself on the Research Support Team’s Managing Your Research Data workshop!

To find out more and to register for a place, see the workshop page for: research students or research staff.

The workshops will be held on:

  • Thursday 04 February, 10:00-12:30
  • Monday 15 February, 10:00-12:30
  • Wednesday 02 March, 10:00-12:30 

The Library’s Research Support and Academic Liaison Librarians are also working with the Researcher Development Team to deliver this term’s Searching the Literature sessions. These workshops are specifically created for PhD students - particularly PhD students undertaking their literature reviews - and for research staff. The workshops include opportunities for practical work using your own topics.

Forthcoming sessions include:

  • Thursday 11 February, 10:00-12:00
  • Tuesday 23 February, 1000-1200

To find out more and to register for a place, see the workshop page for: research students or research staff,


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New Year New Training Courses

It's a new year and maybe time to learn some new skills, or just brush up on some dusty ones!
York Health Economics Consortium are holding several courses throughout spring and summer 2016 covering everything from Patient Reported Outcomes, Health Economics and Advanced Search Techniques for systematic reviews. All the courses are  held at York University Campus; click the image to go straight to the website.