Key Resources for HYMS students
Get your head around key resources available to you at HYMS. Whether you just need a reminder of what’s available or you’re unsure what we have, the best place to start is the library website. The finding resources tab has all the usual suspects here: Medline from Ovid which is pretty much the Grandmaster Flash of medical databases (if medicine was hip hop). We’ve also got the Cochrane Library and while we’re bragging Embase too. But we’ve got so many great resources it would just be too cluttered to have them all there on the website. So, you need to use the cross search to get to the other good stuff like Acland’s Anatomy, New England Journal of Medicine or BMJ Journals. Remember that at HYMS you benefit from the resources of both the University of York and the University of Hull so make sure you are checking both catalogues with cross search. If there’s something that you think we should have but can’t find, let us know about it by emailing