Friday, March 31, 2017

MBBS Year 1 Revision List Available Now

Revision, revision, revision, oh actually that’s repetition, sorry. Well it’s coming up to exam time and deciding which resources to use to help you revise, can feel a bit repetitive, not in a Campbell’s soup-can arty way either, just plain, boring, dull, hell. Not that revision resources intrinsically hold those negative qualities, essentially, they are quite good, but, knowing what’s useful, or what resources you feel have real impact or value on your revision strategy is essential.

Thankfully you told us, many thanks to Lucy Adams, library rep extraordinaire, for compiling a list of all the resources you have found most useful. Being library bods and in the business of sharing we thought we’d make these available to you in the HYMS MBBS Year 1 area (you’ll need to login to Blackboard first, you can find the list on the left-hand menu).

If you want to take some time out from revising there’s always the city of culture on the doorstep too. The National Portrait Gallery are exhibiting Paul Smith to JK Rowling, sadly there’s no pop art in there though.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Easter opening 2017

If you’re planning on hitting the library over the Easter vacation, well now Hull is staying open 24/7. York is also open 24/7 too!

If you are travelling over the Easter vacation you may want to take advantage of the SCONUL scheme.This allows undergraduate students reference use of other university library's physical book stock during vacation times. Postgraduates, part-time and distance learning or placement students can also borrow books and journals at other participating libraries.

See the SCONUL Access for more information. Information about the scheme is also available from  Hull  and York.    

We have also produced this handy guide to help with registering for SCONUL access.

Happy reading and have a fantastic Easter!

Friday, March 17, 2017

By jove ... another fantastic resource available to HYMS staff and students

Have you ever read an article and thought to yourself: ' I'd like to see how that is actually done?"
Well, now you can, the Journal of Visualised Experiments is a unique resource: there are hundreds of recorded experiments and lab tests, supported by high quality videos and images, including supporting articles. Not only does this make replicating experiments easier, but in terms of learning and teaching it is transformative - each article comes with a lovely reference friendly doi link that you can slot straight into your essays or reading lists, if Box of Broadcasts did lab work this would be it! Currently, the folks at JoVE are also running a competition open to MBBS, post-grad and post-doctoral students and faculty ($3k cash prize), all you have to do is create a 2 minute film (we all saw the mannequin challenge we know you've got the directorial skills) of a scientific experiment or technique, if you're interested, JoVE have a competition entry page. So how do we get to this lovely resource, I hear you cry? Well as always we've placed it up on the HYMS Library page JoVE lives in the Image and Videos section, as does Box of Broadcasts if you were wondering what all that was about. We're a curious bunch so let us know what you think of JoVE by contacting us at