Tuesday, December 10, 2013

University of Hull: Brynmor Jones Library redevelopment latest news

·         The first and second floors of the east building (at the front of the Library) are now open. These spaces contain informal seating areas, three group study rooms with AV equipment, and PCs

·         The second floor of the east building contains three rooms that will eventually be used for teaching.  For the time being they have been temporarily equipped as PC rooms.  70 PCs are available in these rooms from today.  This will help to compensate for the loss of PCs on the ground and first floors of the tower

·         Access to the newly-opened parts of the east building will be via the Reading Room for the next four months until the new lifts and staircase at the centre of the Library become available.  Signage will be put in place and library staff will be on hand to guide users

·         The ground floor is now closed and the first floor of the tower will close on Wednesday 11 December.  Access to the lifts and stairs will be maintained.  There will also be continued access to the Law books on the first floor.

·         During this phase of the redevelopment there will be fewer user spaces in the Library than at any other stage of the project.  To compensate for this, PC rooms and study spaces are being booked elsewhere on campus for the use of students during the examination period.  Further details will be announced shortly.  The availability of space will improve rapidly once further floors in the tower begin to re-open from the beginning of February onwards

·         Users of the Library should note that with the closure of the first and ground floors of the tower, no food or drinks other than cold bottled drinks will be allowed into the Library.  The ground floor of the tower, where this restriction will not apply, will re-open in April, along with the new 80-seat cafe  

When’s it happening?

·         The 1st and 2nd floors of the east building are now open


·         The  ground and first floor of the tower will close during the week commencing the 9th December