Monday, April 29, 2013

Unattended items policy at Uni of York Library

In response to students feedback the University of York has changed it's policy on leaving unattended items in the Library.

If items are left unattended for over one hour they will be removed and stored at the Help Desk. This is to prevent students "reserving seats" and preventing others from using study spaces.

All the information about the policy can be found on the library website 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ideas on how to use a tablet from a medical student

Interested in or experience of using a tablet device to help you with your medical studies? Watch to see how one Warwick Medical School student has become paperless.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

BJL redevelopment update 18 April 2013

What’s going on?

·         The book moves from the third and fourth floors are almost complete and they are now shelved in their temporary location on the ground floor in the decant area adjacent to the reception desk.  This area will be fully accessible from Monday 22 April

·         There will be a large floor plan as you go through the doors into the decant space showing the layout and where the books are shelved.  Library staff will be happy to help users to find the items they are looking for

·         The third and fourth floor refurbishment is underway and these floors are expected to be reopened at the end of July

·         The location of books in the redeveloped Library can be found on the Redevelopment web site at

·         The tunnel through the link between the east and west buildings has been erected and work has begun on the construction of the atrium

When’s it happening?

·         The ground floor decant area will be open from Monday 22 April

Work has already begun on the refurbishment of the third and fourth floors which will be reopened in late July

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

MoreBooks is back (at York) 24th April - 24th May

MoreBooks, 24 April - 24 May

Following a very successful MoreBooks month in February, the University of York Library will be running the scheme again from 24 April -24 May. During this time, we will be encouraging students to request we buy titles the Library doesn’t have and more copies of the books they need. As before, we will try to buy e-books wherever possible to improve availability.

Just click on the MoreBooks icon on the catalogue record to request the purchase of an additional copy. Or to suggest an item we do not have in stock go to the New titles through MoreBooks form and fill in the details of the book you want.

All material requested through the MoreBooks scheme will be purchased using the Information Bundle money, ie not from departmental funds.

If you have any questions, please contact

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ye olde University of York construction film

Whether you love or hate the York campus this 18 minute film on the construction of Heslington West is worth looking at when you've a quiet moment:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Essential work affecting the Brynmor Jones Library at Hull: Tuesday 16 April

The ICT Department, working alongside colleagues from Pervasive Networks, will be undertaking essential work affecting the network in the Brynmor Jones Library. This will take place between 07:30 and 08:30 on Tuesday 16 April 2013. During this period the Library will be disconnected from the main University network and hence within the Library there will be no access to internal or external ICT services. The work is essential in order to enable further stages of the upgraded ICT services during the Library redevelopment.

 The ICT Department would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused and that due to other dependencies and timescales it was not possible to provide more notice.

 If you would like any further information please contact the ICT Service Desk; by phone on 01482 46 2010 or by email to

Monday, April 8, 2013

eBook Focus Groups - still time to sign up

The HYMS Library team are investigating student use and views of eBooks. We are looking to hold focus groups at both sites at the end of April/start of May. Focus groups are limited to 9 students per group - only one focus group will be finally run at each site. This will be based on uptake and trying to allow as fair representation across both sites overall as possible.

Participants will be asked to fill out a short survey about their eBook use before attending the session and during the 1 hour (maximum) focus group will be asked to disccuss their views of the various eBook provider interfaces available to us. Sessions will be held in PBL rooms at either site.

Refreshments will be available at the focus groups and each particpant will receive a £10 Amazon voucher and will be entered into a prize draw to win an additional £25 Amazon voucher.

If you would like to attend please indicate your interest via this survey:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme

Of course we would plug the benefits of libraries, especially in the current climate, but here's a new initiative - Reading Well Books on Prescription - being launched in public libraries which relates to [the]:

"growing evidence showing that self help reading can help people with certain mental health conditions get better. Reading Well Books on Prescription will enable GPs and mental health professionals to prescribe patients cognitive behavioural therapy through a visit to the library.

The new English scheme has the backing of the Royal Colleges of GPs, Nursing and Psychiatry, the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies and of the Department of Health through its Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme. ..."

See for more information.

Brynmor Jones Library Redevelopment latest news

The third floor is now closed and the books are being moved to the decant area on the ground floor. Removal of books from the fourth floor will commence on 8th April and the floor will be closed from this date.  A 24 hour book retrieval is being offered until the decant area becomes available on 22nd April. All users will then be able to access and browse the stock

Of particular note to HYMS students is the fact that from the 8th April the sixth floor will be designated as silent study. However, there will be noise and disruption in the tower as a result of work and this may be audible on the sixth floor.  There are alternative study spaces around the campus which can be found by clicking on the link below.

See for more information, including details of alternate study spaces.

How to read health news

A nice article from NHS Choices outlining the basics of critically reading health articles in the news:

There are links to further useful sites on our EBDM & Research page at

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

HRI: library re-opened and additional book spend

The Library at HRI is open again post refurbishment.

To celebrate the re-opening here's the last list of texts purchased against HYMS SIFT underspend funds and now available at HRI. Enjoy:

Author Title Year Copies
Castle Acute Psychiatry 2007 4
Henry Clinical Surgery 2012 4
Johnstone Companion to Psychiatric Studies 2010 2
Ogden Health Psychology 2012 4
Ogden Health Psychology: a textbook 2007 4
Gillespie Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance 2012 4
Miall Paediatrics at a Glance 2012 4
Tortora Principles of Human Anatomy 2011 2
West Pulmonary Pathophysiology 2012 4
Longmore Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine 2011 5
Wilkins Oxford Handbook of  Medical Sciences 2011 6
Hakim Oxford Handbook of Rheumatology 2011 4
Raine Oxford Handbook  for the Foundation Programme  2011 8
Wyatt Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine 2012 4
Kumar Kumar and Clarks Clinical Medicine 2012 6
Sadler Langmans Medical Embryology 2011 4
Epstein Pocket guide to clinical examination 2009 6
Lloyd Communication skills for medicine 2009 4
Colledge Davidsons Principles and practice of medicine 2010 3
Underwood General and systematic pathology 2009 2
Lissauer Illustrated textbook of Paediatrics 2011 4
Anim ABC of Psychological medicine 2012 2
Graham-Brown Lecture notes: Dermatology 2011 4
Rang Rang and Dales pharmacology 2011 2